Innovation has reached new heights on the corporate radar in recent years. After all, multiple revolutions are happening at the same time, reinforcing each another: accelerated multi-sided globalization in a world that is becoming flat, financiarization that augments business fluidity, sustainability constraints exacerbated by demographic upheavals and, above all, the digital revolution.
However, Reinventing the Company in the Digital Age goes much deeper into how this information technology driven revolution is influencing the very foundation of how the great majority of us work and do business. This is tantamount to discussing how the digital revolution is shaping the future of the economy, society, and our daily lives.
Today's best protected organizations deploy multiple layers of security products and protections on their networks and endpoints in an effort to defend against known and emerging threats.
While these deployments of host and network-based firewalls, content inspectors, malware analyzers, and event managers do a respectable job of defense; there is a fundamental deficiency in their deployment, namely they fail to make one another better. Our industry describes the underlying condition as “siloing,” where our control and enforcement points operate in isolation, rarely than sharing information in any rapid, meaningful or practicable fashion.
Sophos endpoint and network products are simple yet powerful, effective and efficient, they too have been isolated and have not communicate well with each other. Until now, putting together the information from one product in order to act effectively across the organization has been slow and tedious, and often impractical. Seeing this challenge in our customer base, Sophos has released a revolutionary new technology, which we call the Sophos Security Heartbeat.
A new approach is needed that is built to work in a synchronized way, establishing communications between network and endpoint products, and enabling automated and coordinated communication and action, but without creating yet another layer of complexity and cost. The Sophos Security Heartbeat was developed to solve this problem and to deliver a new level of protection to organizations and their resource constrained IT Security teams.