Virtus Technical KOPDAR
Virtus Technical Kopdar: Udah Ngebut untuk UU PDP? Datang ke Virtus Technical Kopdar dan cek seberapa siap organisasi Anda menghadapi UU PDP terbaru bersama expertnya, sambil ngopi bareng!
Virtus Technical Kopdar: Udah Ngebut untuk UU PDP? Datang ke Virtus Technical Kopdar dan cek seberapa siap organisasi Anda menghadapi UU PDP terbaru bersama expertnya, sambil ngopi bareng!
AI is a transformative force that creates new opportunities in the industry. Let's explore how AI is changing the business landscape and don't miss the chance to meet expert speakers at: VIRTUS SHOWCASE 2024 TOUCHDOWN: JAKARTA "AI-Ready Business: Challenges, Risks, and Opportunities"
Enjoy a variety of exciting events wrapped in the spirit of Africa as a token of appreciation to Virtus Business Partners for the support and cooperation over the years at: […]
Halo! UU Perlindungan Data Pribadi (PDP) bakal jadi game changer, apakah organisasi Anda sudah siap? Yuk, hadir di Virtus Technical Kopdar di Semarang untuk dapat insight menarik dan tips praktis […]
identity-based access control, continuous post-connect threat and trust monitoring, superior user experience at scale, and Simplified your policy management with Prisma Access from Palo Alto Networks. All Users, All Apps, […]