Dell, Intel partner on IoT solutions for Smart Building


Dell, Intel partner on IoT solutions for Smart Building

  • Dell supports global sustainability with research into smart buildings as first phase in a larger effort around designing architecture to enable building automation
  • Dell collaborates with Intel to deliver IoT solutions for customer projects
  • Dell and Intel highlight the Internet of Things at the Intelligent Buildings Conference June 18-19 in Las Vegas, Nevada

Dell is introducing new research on smart buildings and will join Intel to discuss its findings at the Intelligent Buildings Conference (IBcon) in Las Vegas today. Enabling building automation is a key element of Dell’s strategy of supporting customers around the world and across various industries in realizing their vision for the Internet of Things (IoT). Dell and Intel are helping architects and organizations imagine the next generation of integrated, open-architected, IP-centric, connected, high-performance, sustainable, energy-efficient, operationally efficient, and intelligent buildings.

“This new way of thinking about architecture – overlaying an IT network, connecting all traditionally unconnected equipment, and analyzing and controlling business processes without human intervention – will lead to much better managed assets, which translates to happier occupants and improved finances”

At IBcon today, during the Internet of Things and the Impact to Commercial & Corporate Real Estate session, Intel representatives will discuss the IoT technology trends that will materially impact how system integrators manage and deliver services in the future. During this session, Intel, with the support of Dell, will describe how devices will become Internet connected and how highly automated systems will replace analog to lead to more efficient, engaging, and profitable real estate.

“This new way of thinking about architecture – overlaying an IT network, connecting all traditionally unconnected equipment, and analyzing and controlling business processes without human intervention – will lead to much better managed assets, which translates to happier occupants and improved finances,” said Glenn Wintrich, innovation leader, CTO office, Dell. “This roadmap and productization for the smart buildings market segment is just the beginning of Dell’s service offerings. Look for more to come on IoT and building automation in the future.”

“Dell’s strategy for creating the framework for the enterprise architecture of smart buildings aligns well with Intel’s vision of the Internet of Things,” said Eric Free, vice president, Smart Homes and Buildings, Internet of Things Group, Intel. “Intel® Gateway Solutions enable smart buildings from existing equipment, which along with edge analytics capabilities, can be harnessed to save energy, save money, save resources, save valuable time and potentially save lives.”

Dell is taking its IoT focus a step further by collaborating with others in the industry (including Intel) to help architects and IT organizations capitalize on these transformative technology approaches for smart buildings and the Internet of Things. In a Dell white paper made available today, Dell outlines its recommendations for organizations interested in the smart building trend:

1. Define Organization’s As-Is and To-Be state: Take stock in the current systems and subsystems in a centralized list. Use a Maturity Matrix as an engagement method to assess where the organization is, and how to get to where it wants to be. Focus first on the business outcome or user experience that the organization wants to create.

2. Technology and Project Timeline: Outline the desired outcome, time requirements, and standard building blocks required to achieve your desired business case objectives and end result. This fosters discussions that determine business relevance and return on investment (ROI).

3. Open Reference Architecture: Utilize a non-proprietary, open reference architecture system that takes into account the existing infrastructure, as well as the types of connected systems the organization wants to create.

4. Industrialization: Architect an industrial environment and provide a Software Development Kit (SDK) for the architecture, so teams can develop software across disparate systems. A great reference point to develop an SDK is to break the systems up along the lines of automation and analyze the data.

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Dell Bridges Connected Solutions With Internet Of Things Gateway

Dell announced the availability of a new series of Internet of Things (IoT) gateways that offer a hardware option for the entire range of IoT vendors, from independent makers to global organizations. The Edge Gateway 5000 is built specifically for building and factory automation and is designed to perform in rugged environments, such as high temperature boiler rooms


Though the Internet of Things and the devices associated with it are still working their way into the mainstream, the idea of connecting sensors and devices into a larger analytics platform is something with which Dell has a history. Predictive maintenance has been implemented on Dell notebooks for years, and the experience gained through helping to navigate the transition from mainframes to PCs is paying dividends as they help push through the new world of massive numbers of connected devices.

Those connected devices are expected to create an estimated 194 petabytes (194,000 terabytes) of data by 2020, according to the "Smart Systems Forecast Model" performed by Harbor Research in 2015. In that sea of information, it's important to do more than have sensors and controls creating and sending data. The Dell Edge Gateway 5000 is one part of the solution towards getting actionable data from the torrent.

"Organizations are struggling to make the best decisions regarding the data volume and complexity created by the vast numbers of sensors, embedded systems and connected devices now on the network," said Andy Rhodes, executive director, Commercial IoT Solutions, Dell. "As more of the data is processed in real time at the edge of the network, the gateway becomes the spam filter for IoT."

As the gateway helps to filter out the information, another important piece of the puzzle is the ability to analyze and react to trends and outliers in the data. Sitting at the edge of the network, the Dell Edge Gateway 5000 can serve as a data source for the latest release of Dell Statistica 13. By using Statistica 13, IoT vendors and their customers are able to extract subsets of relevant data, edit the models, and output the results as code in a myriad of languages, including SQL.

Dell hopes the focus on individual solution sets will allow the industry to adopt something that is more streamlined to the specific use case. The advantage is that in being custom made for these specific applications, there is less requirement for IoT vendors to have to customize the solution to make it work for them. As one initiative leads to another, such as smart buildings extending connections to parking and road services, the industry will guide Dell's hand in where to put their next focus.

Dell and Intel are launching the "Connect What Matters" contest for innovative IoT solutions built on Dell IoT Gateways. The contest is open to commercial companies and solutions can be developed for any vertical. The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2016.


Dell’s IoT Partner Program Adds VMware

Sue Mare

June 8, 2016

2:17 pm

On its first year anniversary of creating its Internet of Things (IoT) division, Dell is adding VMware to its IoT Partner Program.

VMware is joining the partner program at an executive level, which means it will help customers get industry-specific expertise for their IoT deployments as well as help Dell get into new markets with its IoT hardware.

In addition, VMware will be able to use its Little IoT Agent (LIOTA) open-source software development kit (SDK) with Dell’s hardware (its Edge Gateway 5000 Series) to let customers build IoT apps and provide IoT gateway management.

LIOTA also acts as a bridge to VMware’s AirWatch and vRealize platforms that let users configure, monitor, and deploy IoT devices from one console. Developers also can use the open-source SDK to write apps that interact with any data center component over any transport network.

Dell’s IoT partner program currently has about 50 members. Besides VMware, Dell also promoted three other partners from registered partners to associate partners. Those companies include DGLogik, which has an industrial IoT platform; Exara, which is collaborating with Dell and Intel to deliver digital oil and gas production solutions; and Foghorn, which has a platform that enables edge intelligence and analytics for industrial IoT gateways. Also joining the program as new associate members are KMC Controls, Eurotech, Nokia, and V5 Systems.

Dell’s partnership with VMware is not particularly surprising given the company is in the midst of acquiring EMC (VMware’s parent company) for an estimated $67 billion. The deal, which is expected to close later this month or next, will likely result in VMware becoming one of six major business units at Dell.

VMware will play a key role in modern IT environments that Dell says will be defined by Flash memory, scale-out architectures, and cloud-enabled infrastructure that will be software-defined.


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