Faster Innovation with Devops and Red Hat Openshift


Technology has fundamentally changed the way we live and is consequently changing the way organizations operate, engage, and create value. “Anytime, anywhere” access to information across multiple channels has resulted in an era of fast-paced, user-driven demand and the need for greater speed and flexibility in the delivery of existing and new products and services. Underlying this is the ability of software applications to respond in shorter, more frequent, and faster development and delivery cycles, which means a shift in culture and process as well as the supporting tools and technologies. DevOps has emerged as a key way to accelerate digital business innovation.


DevOps is an approach to culture, automation, and platform design to provide better business value and responsiveness. The goal is to increase the speed and flexibility with which new features and services are delivered.


As much as digital transformation has impacted culture and process, it has also strongly influenced the emergence of new technologies and tools. Modern application platforms based on container technology, microservices architecture, and cloud are critical to DevOps practices, helping deliver secure and innovative software services at the speed of digital business.

Red Hat® OpenShift is an application container platform that helps application development and
IT operations teams modernize existing enterprise applications and deliver new applications and services by accelerating development and delivery processes. It is built on proven open source technologies, including Linux® containers and Kubernetes. Linux containers allow the packaging and isolation of applications with their entire runtime environment. Because they help reduce conflicts between the development and operations teams by separating areas of responsibility and tearing down the cultural barriers between the teams, containers are an essential part of DevOps. Kubernetes, an open source project and part of Cloud-Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), is the industry standard for orchestrating Linux containers.

Red Hat OpenShift offers development and operations teams a common platform and set of tools as a foundation for building, deploying, and managing containerized applications on any infrastructure— on premise or in public, private, or hybrid clouds. It aligns both teams to a common, continuous application development and maintenance workflow from building, testing, deploying, operating, and monitoring applications.

Red Hat OpenShift also brings native support for DevOps practices to existing enterprise applications, helping teams reduce their application delivery time by automating the process for both traditional and cloud-native workloads.

All of these features allow faster innovation by supporting many different aspects and practices pertaining to DevOps. Additionally, automated build and deployments, continuous integration/con- tinuous delivery (CI/CD), and build and container metrics in Red Hat OpenShift provide a rapid flow of information and continuous feedback from the build and deployment process back to the develop- ment teams. This lets developers detect and rectify anomalies immediately, which is far more effec- tive than fixing them later in production where fixes impact cost and service delivery more critically.


Introducing DevOps processes can be challenging. Many teams pursue a narrow agenda, focusing on the technology and processes either for operations or for development. These approaches may initially produce results, but ultimately organizations need to evolve towards a more integrated
and collaborative DevOps model. Red Hat Consulting helps organizations become more efficient with solutions that incorporate DevOps and continuous delivery. In addition to working to instill better processes, Red Hat Consulting helps organizations accelerate DevOps adoption with Red Hat OpenShift technology.


Red Hat’s consultants have hands-on experience with global clients that have implemented DevOps practices and have used OpenShift technologies to support their innovation and modernization strategies. With a deep understanding of enterprise systems and applications and insights to the Red Hat technology roadmap, our consultants are well-positioned to help your organization adopt and evolve your DevOps processes and help implement the technologies to support them. With a complete DevOps strategy, your organization can begin the culture, process, and platform changes needed to meet the demands of digital transformation. The result is an IT organization that can deliver business innovation faster.

Red Hat Consulting offers:

Discovery Sessions. In a Discovery Session, Red Hat experts come to you for a complimentary half-day session. You’ll describe the business drivers behind your IT automation, software development life cycles, operational procedures, management approaches, and tooling, and Red Hat will provide recommendations, a solution architecture, and our vision for container platforms to help you trans- form your IT.

Open Innovation Labs. Open Innovation Labs is an intensive, highly focused residency for three to six developers to learn how to build applications the Red Hat way. In an environment designed to accelerate innovation, we will help your team make use of innovative open source technologies to rapidly build prototypes, experience DevOps, and adopt agile workflows. For further information, please contact


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