Hyper-Converged Infrastructure Advancements and Cloud-Like Consumption Model Ease Adoption

The DELL EMC VxRail Appliance family is the industry’s only HCI appliances powered by VMware vSAN™ and jointly engineered with VMware. According to analyst firm IDC, sequential revenue growth from VxRail Appliances was four times higher than the entire HCI market during the fourth quarter of 2016, demonstrating more than 70 percent quarter over quarter growth. In response to VxRail Appliances being deployed increasingly for core data center applications, Dell EMC VxRail Appliances 4.5 delivers several new enterprise features available on Dell EMC PowerEdge 14th generation servers in the coming months :

  • Enhanced enterprise deployment features Streamlined installation and implementation experience designed to help enterprise customers manage VxRail Appliances at scale. The VxRail Appliance deployment experience, which is optimized to deploy a single appliance in only 20 minutes, now can be applied to larger cluster sizes, allowing customers to add and manage 10 or more appliances as easily as a single appliance.
  • Additional hardware flexibility lowers total cost of ownership New single processor options, priced as low as US $25,000 for a three-node cluster,reduce the cost of deploying processor-based licensed software for scaling up to 64 nodes. New network options, including up to 12 additional ports, allow VxRail Appliances to be deployed in environments requiring physical network segmentation of workloads.
  • Support for the latest VMware technologies New VMware vSphere 6.5 and VMware vSAN 6.6 support adds optimized data service algorithms to accelerate flash performance, software-defined data-at-rest encryption to protect against unwanted access to data, and enhanced protection for stretched clusters.
  • Improved interoperability with Dell EMC technologies Customers deploying VxRail Appliances now can leverage a centralized Dell EMC Secure Remote Services (ESRS) gateway to provide a single point of secure, two-way remote support for their entire Dell EMC infrastructure.

The DELL EMC VxRack Systems, the only rack-scale hyper-converged systems with integrated top-of-rack Spine-Leaf networking and SDN options, are the perfect choice for customers embracing software-defined technology across the data center and ready for HCI with pre-integrated physical and software-defined networking. Updates to the VxRack portfolio of VxRack FLEX powered by ScaleIO and VxRack SDDC powered by VMware Cloud Foundation include :

  • Support for more data-demanding applications VxRack FLEX expands configurations with support for Dell EMC PowerEdge R930, enabling the most data-demanding applications such as OLTP, in-memory databases, OLAP, CRM and ERP.
  • High performance networking architecture for modern data centers VxRack FLEX now incorporates the next-generation Cisco Nexus 93180YC-EX switches that increase scale, improve performance and natively support software-defined networking.
  • Enhanced hardware flexibility VxRack SDDC now offers six additional PowerEdge R630-based server nodes for both expanded high performance and entry level options in cores, memory and CPUs.

The DELL EMC XC Serieshyper-converged appliances combine compute, storage and virtualization resources in turnkey, 1U and 2U appliances configured to-order. XC Series appliances are best suited for customers requiring hypervisor choice, which may include Microsoft Hyper-V, and support a variety of specific use cases, ranging from typical enterprise business applications to VDI environments. Updates to the portfolio include :

  • Dell EMC XC430 Xpress This new appliance offers small to midsized companies a complete, all-in-one infrastructure solution with robust three-node configurations starting as low as US $25,000.5 Optimized for the smallest environments up to four nodes, the XC430 Xpress consolidates servers and storage in as small as 3U of rack space to drastically simplify on-site infrastructure.
  • Dell EMC XC Series with Dell EMC Data Protection Dell EMC Avamar Virtual Edition, Data Domain and Data Domain Virtual Edition with XC Series offer efficient, enterprise-level data protection and simplified backup and disaster recovery, offering capabilities not previously available with the XC Series.
  • Dell EMC XC Series with Pivotal Cloud Foundry To rapidly develop and deploy applications to Pivotal Cloud Foundry, XC Series and Pivotal® engineering teams have collaborated to create the ideal configuration and deployment guide, which reduces risk and accelerates a customer’s ability to increase developer productivity and reduce IT operation costs.

Dell EMC PowerEdge 14th Generation Servers to Offer HCI Portfolio Boost

The new Dell EMC PowerEdge 14th generation server portfolio will serve as the modern compute foundation across the Dell EMC HCI portfolio. Through testing and validation, Dell EMC fully engineered, turnkey HCI solutions will benefit from the advanced scale and performance of the new server portfolio to accelerate customers’ journeys to modernize their data centers. Dell EMC will begin incorporating PowerEdge 14th generation server capabilities into its HCI portfolio in the coming months.

New Innovative Payment Solutions for Cloud-Like Consumption Offer Hyper-Converged Infrastructure with Minimal Financial Risk

While organizations are increasingly adopting HCI solutions to simplify their IT infrastructure, barriers include upfront costs and perceived risk of a new IT operating model. Removing these barriers, the new Cloud Flex for HCI by Dell Financial Services (DFS) brings a cloud-like consumption model to the Dell EMC HCI portfolio by offering a flexible, financing solution that eliminates upfront capital costs with declining payments over time. This is offered, through Dell EMC and channel partners, with no obligation after the first year and allows customers to return any or all HCI appliances.

Cloud Flex for HCI is available immediately with Dell EMC VxRail Appliances and Dell EMC XC Series and has planned availability in the third quarter of 2017 for Dell EMC VxRack Systems. Additionally, Dell EMC is dramatically reducing the barriers to entry for desktop and application virtualization with DELL EMC VDI Complete Solutions powered by VMware Horizon. These end-to-end solutions encompass the infrastructure, software and the option of endpoints and services all from a single vendor. VDI Complete is based on VxRail Appliances or Ready Nodes for vSAN, and provides straightforward, predictable pricing and exceptional total cost of ownership with a single number for support.<


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